A Cleansing Lotus

Lin Shuangyue threw Jiang Chen a sympathetic look.

One's name is what matters the most to a person. No matter how our appearances change, the name given at the time of our births will be with us throughout our whole life. People who changed their names after awakening meant they had discarded something.

Since Fan Tianyin, no, Man Tianyin, had walked out, she had not looked at Jiang Chen even once. In their few occasional eye contacts, she only looked curious and puzzled.

Later, a sacred lotus rose from the ground and soared into the sky. When its leaves opened, the whole sky dimmed.

"It's a vision. It's a cleansing lotus!"

"A vision that symbolizes the appearance of a Divine King. Is that true?!"

People were looking up at the lotus. Regardless of positions and states, they all seemed small under the cleansing lotus. Then the lotus closed and went back to Man Tianyin's body. Her hair stopped dancing in the wind.