Air Pirates

Curses and bloodcurdling cries rang out. Practitioners who could fly were experiencing a zero-gravity feeling. Some of them wanted to escape and fly out of the airship. However, the ship was not as fragile as it looked. And they were falling. It was difficult to get out. Jiang Chen was one of those who succeeded in getting out. He burned a hole in the hull.

It was already night. The sky was starlit. They were over a bleak and desolate wildland. The exterior of the ship had been badly damaged and was burning.

At the thought of Yao Yuntong, Jiang Chen decided to go back to rescue her. But to his surprise, loud sounds of wind and thunder came from the ship. Yao Yuntong managed to escape by herself, followed by the people who had been with her.

In the end, the ship crashed onto a mountaintop. The noise it caused rent the tranquil night. Angry flames soared from the ruins and heavily injured passengers could be seen escaping in groups and individually.