The Boundaries of Wizard Blood

The news spread that Jiang Chen had arrived to take up the challenge. Many people went to the battlefield to watch the fight. Ye Xue also came from the Academy of the Land of Abundance.

"She is so pretty!"

In the bright moonlight, Ye Xue's body was shining. Her fair skin and flawless face were so attractive that no one could take their eyes off her.

Jiang Chen, having almost reached the required altitude, landed again. The two's eyes met. Their looks were so passionate. Although they had not seen each other for almost two weeks, nothing could affect their feelings.

"Do you have confidence?" Ye Xue asked.

"Don't worry." Jiang Chen smiled, full of confidence.

Seeing this, people gradually stopped talking. Exchanging a look, they all had an odd feeling. Many people felt jealous that Jiang Chen, despised by so many people, was so close to the future saint of the Spirit.