The Thunder Department

Fang Hong had heard a lot of stories about Jiang Chen. Each of them was quite surprising. But he thought this was only because of Jiang Chen's background. If he had been any of the junior Heavenly Kings, none of the things he had achieved would have been so surprising. It was only because he was from the Realm of Nine Heavens that people had thought so little of him. In the end, the big contrast between their expectations and the facts turned out to be quite dramatic.

Fang Hong was not very happy about it. He thought Jiang Chen was just seeking publicity. In his eyes, the latter was nothing but a clown.

"You defeated the top three of the Human List and a Wizard warrior. That's your biggest achievement. However, almost every disciple here could achieve that. I guess you won't have the nerve to blow yourself up here to bomb the Sword God Palace, will you?" Fang Hong said complacently. He was excited about disclosing Jiang Chen's true colors.