The New Commander

"D*mn it!" Xiong Gang turned pale. He had pinned his hopes on this attack, but it had ended up this way. He could not think anymore. Facing more and more blades, he rolled up his right sleeve. People who knew him all held their breaths when they saw him do this. They knew he was going to go all out.

There was nothing special about the arm itself, but starting from the shoulder, there was a rune, which looked like a tattoo, extending to his wrist. When Xiong Gang exerted himself, the Doctrine Pattern looked like a living centipede twisting on his arm. Soon, that arm became extremely terrifying. His skin burst so that his muscles were visible. He launched a palm attack. A great energy was formed in this area. All of the blades stopped moving.

He closed his fist tightly. Then the blades broke apart!