The Seven-Colored Feather Coat

Poison methods have a very special existence. Some people held them in awe. Some despised them, and others were scared of them. Poison users were mostly very lonely, because no one wanted to stay with them. No one would want to be on their guard all the time to prevent themselves from being poisoned.

As a result, there were few people good at using poisons. It was very improbable that Jiang Chen would run into a poison user who knew how to use the Five-Poison Pot. Certainly, he would not feel lucky for that.

The five poisonous creatures kept chasing him, not even giving him any time to gasp for air. It was kind of against common sense, because they were not afraid of getting beaten. Whenever Jiang Chen's blade touched them, he was greeted by a pungent smell, which made him dizzy briefly.

Tang Shiya seized the chance to launch an attack. Holding a Doctrine Sword, she took every opportunity to throw her sword over. Her attack was swift and fierce.