Who Among You Has the Surname Li?

Strength, anger, excellence, heroism, and balance.

The Chaos God Sword Domain was engulfed in a terrifying murderous aura. Such a shocking sword move targeted both the sky and the ground. Jiang Chen had no room to escape the Sword Domain.

Heavenly Chaos Sword Soul possessed one of the Martial Soul's five special traits: strength. That was why Hu Dingkun's sword was so fierce and swift.

As the Sword God Palace's members watched, they were all dumbfounded. This Sword Domain had almost become the bane of all Star Venerables, and any Star Venerable would surely die in it.

The crowd couldn't help but start sympathizing with Jiang Chen. However, another change quickly occurred as deafening thunder reverberated.

The Sword Energy around Jiang Chen started intensely moving around. It formed a barrier that blocked the Sword Domain's attacks.