The Bold, the Winner, the Strong

"What a loser. No one comes forward to defend him at all," someone murmured, scared of Jiang Chen's eloquence. There were so many geniuses, but not even one of them stood by Jiang Chen.

Lin Shuangyue, who had been looking forward to the Wizard Race's banquet, somehow had not arrived.

At this moment, a man showed up. He drew everyone's attention.

"Master! Master!"

"Master Luo Cheng, do you really have the Thunderbolt Martial Soul?"

"You managed to stand firm facing Su Yinan's Magic Thunder Hand. That's wonderful."

People from all camps welcomed the master warmly. This was beyond the expectations of Jiang Chen. He guessed that the news about his fight had spread all over the place.

Master Luo Cheng smiled mysteriously. Then he went to his seat without speaking.