Are You Desperate?

When most people thought the match was over and were going to cheer for the winner, footsteps could be heard once again. Numerous people looked as if they had seen a ghost. Although they could hardly believe it, Ji Yuan's figure appeared again. It turned out that it had been false information that as long as he exerted the Wizard Divine Body, it would be his true self! Some Ancients had said that intentionally, because they thought the humans knew nothing about the true-self and the false-self stuff. They did this to mislead Jiang Chen so that he would launch his strongest attack.

At the moment, facing Ji Yuan's true self, none of Jiang Chen's forces—wind, fire, or thunder—would be useful. The fighting power of Ji Yuan's true self had taken another great leap.

By comparison, since Jiang Chen had exerted his unique movements again and again, he must have consumed lots of energy.