The Secret of the Sacred Zone

It is okay to seek revenge against an enemy. However, it would be a shame if any innocent people got hurt. And there is zero tolerance toward someone who tries to seek revenge by hurting the enemy's family. Anyone who did that would be shunned. However, after learning how much the Wizard Race had lost, people decided to acquiesce to their behavior. It was bad enough for them to lose Ji Yuan—not to mention all the other strong Wizards who were killed.

Numerous people were paying attention to the divine tree, wondering whether Jiang Chen would fall into their trap and leave its protection. However, no one had entered or left the Divine Prison Continent during this whole time.

"The Wizard Race is on their way to the Realm of Nine Heavens. They are going to kill your entire family." Some of Jiang Chen's enemies shouted this outside the divine tree with a vicious intent.

"Are you going to see your whole family get killed and do nothing?"