Shui Wuchen

As the Water Dragon Black Guard fell, Jiang Chen pulled out his sword, and his sword beam penetrated all eight warriors. The sword beam struck their vital regions and took their lives.

Bing Tian had returned, and his face became filled with shock upon witnessing the eight corpses on the ground. Such power can let him reach the top positions of the Sacred Lord List, Bing Tian thought inwardly.

Jiang Chen slowly sheathed his sword, and it seemed like he was pondering something. It wasn't related to the people he killed. He was just pondering the Martial Dais, which he still hadn't mastered fully. After he became a Martial Emperor, he used the Martial Dais to launch an attack, which meant that he would need to use the Martial Dais to release all offensive techniques or sword techniques mastered by him previously. However, it was a pity that he had been pressed and didn't get to start such a process.

I need an opponent on a par with me, Jiang Chen thought.