External Body

After Shui Wuchen's back took a strike, his body started quickly stiffening and was soon covered fully in ice. He had turned into an ice sculpture!

"Prince?" The Water Dragon Black Guards watching the battle strode forward. They all had vowed loyalty to Shui Wuchen and were confused by this.

"General Wuchen used a sound transmission to divulge the criminal's location, and he will be imprisoned temporarily." Shui Zhener wore a stern expression and a sharp look appeared in her eyes.

The Water Dragon Black Guards looked at each other in dismay. They were skeptical of this. However, they were aware that their general was in love with Ye Xue. Moreover, since they still hadn't dealt with Jiang Chen, they could only take Shui Wuchen away. Such an incident created a tense ambiance, and many people discovered that their palms were filled with sweat. But, before the crowd could adjust to this, another incident occurred.