The Sea of Fire of the Dragon Breath

Unlike Jiang Chen, Wan Renlong did think it a big problem. If it was really for the sake of Xia Kemeng, why didn't the lord of the city attack him instead of Jiang Chen? Did the lord want to defeat Jiang Chen to deal him a blow? Or was the relationship between Shi Lezhi and Xia Kemeng a secret that no one should know?

Unfortunately, he did not know Shi Lezhi very well, but thinking back to when he was with those four people, Xia Kemeng did boast that she had some backup in the Third Zone, only in a pretty obtuse manner.

"Do you accept the punishment or not?" Shi Lezhi asked sternly. His energy was extremely strong. He looked so awe-inspiring that no one would have the nerve to confront him. However, Jiang Chen did not buy it.

"I followed the rules of the Third Zone and passed the Heavenly Challenge. If, Lord, you insist on going your own way, I will definitely fight back," Jiang Chen said in a cold voice. "Lord, I think you should give your post away."