Evil Blood Emperor

If one observed Jiang Chen's gaze carefully, one would discover that it was firm and resolute, and it wasn't filled with fury and madness like last time. A great heroic spirit emanated from the three Jiang Chens, as if they were able to control the whole world.

Tian Shenyi became flustered and exasperated, and he shouted loudly.

Since the power of three Immortal Daises was used at the same time, they released a might great enough to destroy the land, while the wind, fire, and lightning gathered together and formed a surging starry river.

Tian Shenyi ended up missing the key moment. When experts fight, one mustn't slack off for even an instant. Even such a little while was enough to let one end up led by the nose by one's opponent, suffer defeat, or even lose one's life.