The Heavenly Palace Disciples Are Dragons among Men

After Jiang Chen had received a satisfactory response, he spoke once again, "It seems as if there isn't anyone here who still plans to cause trouble. So let's officially begin the opening day's event."

The members of all the factions who had been feuding with Jiang Chen felt as if they had been attacked by a clap of thunder, and, as they witnessed that their experts didn't react, their faces turned pale.

As for the Heavenly Sea Gang members, they had even left angrily.

"Now, who wants to become a Heavenly Palace disciple. Or, which faction wants to join the Heavenly Palace?" Jiang Chen's gaze became its usual gentle self, and he wore a bright smile.

"Is this true? Does he still plan to recruit people at such a time?" The crowd exchanged glances as they all thought the same thing. Everyone here had come over to destroy the Heavenly Palace.