Xia Clan

"It would be an honor for me."

Jiang Chen didn't think much about this, and he smiled cordially, before he led Ao Yue upstairs.

"Even if you haven't been to the Martial Field, it seems as if the Sovereign Road is quite outstanding."

It was Jiang Chen who said these words, not Ao Yue, even though Jiang Chen's ranking as a Sacred Lord had already surpassed Ao Yue's.

However, Jiang Chen knew that in the Bloody Sea Realm, Ao Yue always kept her human form, which meant that she had only used around two-tenths of her power.

"That's right, all the people from my clan who go to the Martial Field are quite outstanding."

Ao Yue wasn't interested in pursuing this subject, and, instead, she raised a question, "Will you fight over the entrances tomorrow?"