Come Over!

It was five people who came over, and none of them was weak. They were all from the same faction, and it was the Sovereign Spirit Palace's Monster-Slaying Palace.

It was obvious from the faction's name that it was at odds with monsters.

The Monster Clan had once tried to occupy the Nine Realms, and there had been a great battle against the Human Clan. But 1,000 years had passed since then, and most people had almost forgotten about the previous crisis.

However, there was still a feud between them, and the Monster-Slaying Palace's previous master was a peerless expert who had lost his wife and child in the Monster Clan's military campaign.

The expert was engulfed by grief, and so he founded the Monster-Slaying Palace. He had sworn to kill all monsters in the world, and for the past few years, many of the Nine Realms' first-generation monsters were mercilessly killed by the Monster-Slaying Palace.