Chang Family's Four Brothers

"It shouldn't be like this," the Sleeping Young Master moved his lips and spoke in surprise.

The Sleeping Young Master was wondering whether Jiang Chen had possessed such power since their first meeting or whether he had raised his power after they entered the ancient ruins. If it was the former, then the feeling of superiority he had always had was obviously ridiculous. But if it was the latter, he couldn't help but say that he really envied Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen didn't stop for a rest after killing Xue Ba, and he looked for Miss Bai who was across the way. He didn't hesitate at all, and he charged over while holding his sword.

"Let's go there and help him," the Sleeping Young Master's two companions didn't wait any longer for him, and they went out to fight decisively.

"You bunch..."

At this moment, indescribable emotions welled up in the Sleeping Young Master's heart.

"You dare to meddle even in the Monster-Slaying Palace's affairs?"