It Never Rains but It Pours

Meng Chong's identical attack emitted an austere air, and he didn't leave Jiang Chen a chance to say anything.

As Meng Chong looked at Jiang Chen making the same weird movements once again, he couldn't help but laugh inwardly. He could observe this matter more carefully than other people, and he noticed that whatever Jiang Chen was doing, it couldn't pose a threat to him.


What no one had expected was that when Jiang Chen clenched his fist, a sonorous dragon's roar would reverberate in the world, and, at that moment, everyone laughing in mockery was taken aback, and their expressions stiffened.

Now, they were the ones that seemed funny and ridiculous.

It could be seen that boundless power erupted out of Jiang Chen's body and spread into the world. It formed a powerful magnetic field!

The aura of Jiang Chen changed drastically, and he looked disdainfully at everything. He seemed awe-inspiring!