
Mo Fan and the others, who had looked around under the sea for a whole day, gave up.

"If the Divine Palace isn't on the seabed, then it isn't in this area."

They made such a judgment confidently. They had all separated and searched this place for the past day, and they had checked all the regions of the sea area. Yet, they still didn't see the Divine Palace.

"Didn't the venerable man say that it was in the sea..." someone complained. But before he finished his words, he quickly shut his mouth, while fright appeared on his face.

It could be seen that Mo Fan, who was at the front, had turned his head around. His eyes seemed ice-cold.

"Senior brother, I have made a mistake." The person, who realized what he had blurted out by mistake, quickly apologized.

Mo Fan's gaze changed back to normal, as if nothing had happened.

The other people still had a lingering fear, and they glared at the man who had said what should not have been uttered.