Blue Lotus Sword Canon

Jiang Chen had managed to guess the trial's content before he had even entered the ninth floor.

As he walked into the ninth floor, he found himself beneath a blue sky. The weather was sunny and fine, while white clouds were churning.

Jiang Chen's gaze was immediately attracted by a man clad in divine armor who wasn't far from him. He didn't try to identify him, as he could tell right away that he was the strongest War God in memory. He was also Jiang Chen himself!

"Are you the divine will left behind by me?" Jiang Chen spoke with ease.

"You still aren't me. Did the reincarnation into myriad lives obliterate my mind?" The man also replied with ease.

If someone else had been here, he surely wouldn't have managed to understand what they were talking about. What you, and what me? They would surely have been confused!

"Since my mind is mine, it's obviously not yours," Jiang Chen gave a clear reply.