Exit Passage!

After two hours, Jiang Chen crossed more than half of the ancient ruins, and ended up in the forest where he had found the Lightning Essence at the beginning.

Xiao Ying detected something and lightning came out of his body and flashed ferociously at the forest. Divine lightning was the bane of evil, and Xiao Ying, who was a Lightning Spirit, hated all evil beings such as the Mutant Ghosts in the forest.

"Don't be nervous!"

Jiang Chen comforted Xiao Ying, while wearing a grave expression. He had come to this forest to practice with his sword, and his targets would be the Mutant Ghosts.

Last time, he didn't have any idea about the Mutant Ghosts, and he ended up suffering three heavy blows. He had almost died.

But now that he had comprehended the Swiftness Concept, he wanted to have a look at the difference that would make in his encounter with the Mutant Ghosts.