Kneeling Down? You Can’t Take It

The red-clothed woman covered her cheeks with her hands. She didn't come back to her senses for a long while. Even her companions were dumbfounded.

They weren't dumbfounded due to Jiang Chen's great power, but because he had unexpectedly dared to assault the red-clothed woman.

"Let's leave." After Jiang Chen had dealt with the magical beast, he left calmly with Xia Houjie.

"I will kill you! I will surely kill you!" The red-clothed woman flew into a rage and shouted loudly after him. She had never been treated like this, and it was a great insult to her.

As the woman faced the respectful gazes of her companions, she took a paper crane and imbued energy into it. The paper crane started burning. It turned into pure energy that took a concrete shape and flew away.

"They will go to the closest exit," a person next to the woman said.

"Let's also go there," the red-clothed woman said, watching the direction where the paper crane had flown.