Sky Horses Running Amok in the Air

Black Uncle looked at the two people in front of him and shook his head, while wearing a solemn expression. The world was dangerous, and they must be careful when outside.

Because of this, while one was traveling, one mustn't hurry up too much. One must keep speed at a degree low enough that any exhausted energy could be recovered, and it was like this that one could form a virtuous cycle.

If one exhausted his energy, his power would be weak, and once he ran into danger, the consequences would be too horrible to contemplate.

People who traveled at such a high speed like Jiang Chen and the blue-clothed woman were only digging their own graves, and they would lose the ability to fight in less than a day.

However, Black Uncle knew well the blue-clothed woman's temper and was aware that he mustn't obstruct her. If the princess threw a tantrum, he wouldn't be able to deal with her.

"Let me see how fast you are."