Shi Ganglie

Jiang Chen reduced the mechanical horse's size before he handed it over to the two princesses.

The three people proceeded on foot, and they managed to leave Absolute Sky Domain by nightfall.

The people who came from all directions ended up assembling unknowingly, and if one counted them cursorily, he would find out that there were around a thousand people.

There was a raucous in this desolate area outside town, and people oblivious to this matter's ins and outs might even assume that a great event was held here.

"What ahead of us is Heavenly Punishment Plain."

The crowd was standing atop a cliff, and they could get a clear view of the scenery in a thousand miles.

A lush and verdant forest was beneath them, and it led to a wide expanse of flat land. The setting sun was hung at the horizon, and it seemed like said region was the end of the world.

"It should be called now Heavenly Enlightenment Plain," someone corrected the other guy.