Defeating the Nature by Half Point

It was a mess in Ling Long Celestial Palace.

Two of the nine peaks had been completely destroyed. The others also suffered different damages.

Compared to its prime days, the current Ling Long Celestial Palace could be described as ruins.

Fortunately, Dragon Tiger Mountain, the spiritual land, remained intact. The root was still there.

Jiang Chen took the bronze cauldron back so that the others saw the light of the day again.

Most of the people here had made the decision to stay by themselves. There were people all over the Dragon Tiger Mountain. Some fled at the beginning, while others even defected.

"Stay in the air. Don't go anywhere."

Jiang Chen would certainly reward these brave people.

Over there, Xiao Nuo looked over. Her aggressiveness toned down, and she appeared to be gentler when she had found Jiang Chen was safe. Her fluttering black hair fell on her shoulders again.
