The Seven Bright Stars

This black-clothed person was only three hundred feet away from Jiang Chen.

For Martial Arts Saints, three hundred feet was nearly nothing.

Outside the transmission room, Apprentice Elder Brother Xu was gloating while watching this scene.

He was already quite merciful for not kicking Jiang Chen when the latter was down. It was just impossible for Xuan Qing to help Jiang Chen.

"Are you eager to get it?"

Jiang Chen was fearless. He took the Infinite Sai out. Electric arcs flashed. They turned into a sword.

Obviously, the black-clothed man's emotions fluctuated.

"Your life is as worthy as it."

The black-clothed man's voice was worse. It was impossible not to wonder whether it was his real voice.

Because it would need quite some work to disguise himself to such an extent.

"That will depend on whether you can live long enough to get it," said Jiang Chen.