Wolf Monsters

After experiencing a feeling of zero gravity for a short time, Jiang Chen showed up in the Realm of Monsters.

The Realm of Monsters was situated on a towering mountain surrounded by an enormous plain. The terrain of the plain was flat.

Standing there all alone, the mountain thrust itself toward the sky.

There was a magnificent palace on the mountaintop. With the sun shining on its purple-golden glazed tiles, the roof looked like it was covered with gold.

Where Jiang Chen was standing was in a square. Miss Bai was looking at him from not far away, while Whitey jumped into his arms immediately.

"Hey, we just parted for a little while. You already missed me?"

Seeing Whitey's reaction, Jiang Chen shook his head with a bitter smile.

"Is that the legendary Monster Palace?"

Then Jiang Chen looked toward the palace. He felt quite curious.