Great. Great. He's Really Great!

Things were worse on the Alien Battlefield than anyone could have ever imagined.

The place was packed with countless demons. They were literally everywhere.

These demons had not been transformed by demon energy, hostile energy, or killing intents in the Demonic Abyss.

They were real demons of real flesh and blood.

Back in the old days, a war between the Flying Dragon Dynasty and the Dragon Rebel Kingdom had broken out here. Millions of people died. The Alien Battlefield became a field littered with corpses.

The dead soldiers nourished the demons, so that they could be reborn and start over again.

By the time the war was over, there were ten Celestial Demons with intelligence.

During all the intervening years, these Celestial Demons kept improving themselves. They had all become Mysterious Demons.

The dreadful thing was that no one knew whether there were demons stronger than Mysterious Demons.