General Demon!

The true body was practicing the Dragon Fist, while the practicing body was also busy with something.

After much discussion, it had been decided that all of the folks living in the Nine Heavens Continent should go to the Dragon Field, the Fire Field, and the Green Field to take refuge as quickly as possible.

At the same time, all the forces should provide the people with all the vehicles they had for free so that less time would be wasted.

"Jiang Chen, people are asking why we in the Realm of Nine Heavens haven't got the reinforcements of strong people."

This day, Nan Gong asked him, embarrassed and ashamed.

Thousands of strong people had gone to the Realm of Milky and the Realm of True Force. The news had spread to the Nine Heavens.

However, they had not seen even one shadow of any strongmen in the Realm of Nine Heavens.

Nan Gong was so embarrassed because he knew the truth.