Difference between Demonic Things and Demons

In the Dragon Field in the Realm of Nine Heavens, in a remote mountain area, five or six people were advancing toward a jungle.

The group was composed of men and women, old and young people. It wasn't difficult to figure out that they were a family.

"Grandpa, why don't we go to the Dragon Field to take refuge? Didn't Elder Brother Jiang Chen say he would protect us?"

Led by her grandpa, a seven- or eight-year-old girl was walking behind her parents, who were leading the way.

"Yue'er, there are so many people. Elder Brother Jiang Chen won't be able to protect everyone. But if we hide in this remote place and live in seclusion until you grow up, I believe everything will have been resolved by then."

Her grandpa, with a wrinkled face, spoke in a low voice.

The little girl didn't understand her grandpa's explanation very well. Tilting her head, it was evident that she was thinking.