Fighting the Demon King!

The Demon invasion had started a few hours ago.

When the news spread to the Realm of Divine Martial Arts, it started an uproar. Everyone was panicked.

The shadow of the Demon had not completely vanished from previous run-ins. And now they'd come back again. People were much more scared this time.

The three great forces were among the most anxious. More than half of the people they had sent to fight the Demons had been killed or injured. There was worry that the others wouldn't be able to last one more day.

As a result, the forces called for reinforcements, including titled martial arts practitioners.

Other races also sent their warriors to assist.

"We can never let the Demons get a foothold in the Three Lower Realms! Never!"

This was the thought that everyone shared. Facing a common enemy, they all forgot about their prejudices and collaborated actively.