Meeting Long Xing

The fact that Jiang Chen had inferred so much information from just a few clues made the General Demon extremely wary of him.

If the reinforcements of all races hadn't been about to happen, he would've traveled to the Realm of Nine Heavens to kill Jiang Chen himself.


He swore unhappily. The General Demon was now going to return to the Alien Battlefield through the planes' channel.

The Demons around him knew he was swearing because of the Evil Demonic King.

The Three Lower Realms had been the target of this action. They'd aimed to take thousands of creatures away.

But due to the Evil Demonic King's failure, they'd only reached two-thirds of their goal.

The Demon Kings on the scene felt lucky, because the Realm of Nine Heavens had been assigned to another Demonic King at the time of task allocation.