Ageless and Immortal

The voice made Jiang Chen, Xiao Hongxue, and Lin Yu'eru pale at the same time.

"Grand Master!"

Xiao Hongxue was the most shocked. He shivered.

It was not difficult to figure out who the man that could influence a Venerable Sovereign to such an extent was.

Everyone felt thrilled. They opened their eyes wide in order not to miss anything about this legendary man.

"Long Xing!"

Jiang Chen said his name to himself silently and looked toward where the voice had come from.

He looked even younger than Xiao Hongxue. He was about 30 years old, fair-skinned and beardless. The white robe he was wearing was blowing in the wind. His extraordinary aspect presented itself so naturally.

He walked over in the air. Everything moved with him as if he was the center of the world.


Those from the Sovereign Spirit Palace and the other eight palaces greeted him with respect and admiration.