The Anonym

Xiao Nuo was still hoping there would be a twist to the story, so she was walking very slowly.

However, because of this, Jiang Chen's body's changes seemed even more startling to her. His entire body was being carbonized, broken up into little pieces.

The Demon energy given off from him smelled pungent.

Many of the people who were present didn't have the heart to look straight at him. This was absolutely one of the most tragic ways to die that they'd ever seen.

Xiao Nuo's lips turned red. She felt sad. Tears welled up in her eyes.

Just as she was on the verge of breaking out to launch an attack to help Jiang Chen die in a less painful manner, a beam of light suddenly swept down from the sky and shrouded Jiang Chen.

Under everyone's surprised gazes, Jiang Chen rose slowly up in the beam of light.

"It's the Will of the Natural Law!"

"The Will of the Natural Law is interfering in human affairs? I can't believe it."