Do You Know About the Ten Golden Crows?

Jiang Chen wasn't about to rush to find the origin of fire. Instead, he wanted to find out from Xiao Nuo about everything that had happened during these past three years.

"Whitey has gone into training with his evil kin. He might even be participating in the Spiritual Land Battle."

"Lin Yueru didn't want to bring trouble to the celestial palace, so therefore she went to explore other continents. When the news of your return starts to spread, she will probably come looking for you."

"Two reincarnations of the sovereign spirit betrayed the Sovereign Spirit Palace and escaped to the Continent of Sacred Light. You're right, it's just as you would expect. They were Tian Yin and Duan Yun." Xiao Nuo was enjoying this narration.

A lot had happened during the last three years. There had been major changes in the lives of many people who Jiang Chen cared about.