Black Rank Advancement Test, Passed!

"Sigh. It looks like there's no hope for Ye Yuan to create a miracle. But it's already very impressive to go this far. He is only at the Fourth Level Essence Qi Realm. A once in fifty years genius appeared in our State of Qin's Dan Wu Academy once again."

As the light representing Ye Yuan on the light screen became increasingly faint, Huyan Yong could not help but feel sorry.

However, immediately afterward, he found himself funny. The power that Ye Yuan displayed was already shocking enough. To let him challenge the Black Rank Advancement test with his Fourth Level Essence Qi Realm was truly a little too forced.

After passing the test this time around, Huyan Yong believed that as long as Ye Yuan broke through to the Sixth Level Essence Qi Realm, no, just the Fifth Level Essence Qi Realm was enough to pass the Black Rank Advancement test!

"Aiya. It's over, it's over. Ye Yuan can't hold on anymore!"