Admitting Fault!

In a day and a night, several great commanders from the Swift Wind Guards gathered in a hall, each of them with tightly knitted eyebrows.

"Old Jin, do you think that these group of people from the Alchemist Association went nuts? They don't want to earn glimmering high-grade essence crystals. Is this shredding all pretenses of cordiality with us?" asked a commander bitterly.

Jin Huanzhen was also green in the face and in dismal.

"Yeah. Old Jin, among us, you're the one with the oldest qualifications. You got to come up with an idea! We're about to set off right away. If we don't have the guarantee of this batch of medicinal pills, what will we use to fight with the Endless World martial artists?" said another commander.

"Old Jin, do you think they detest that the essence crystals we gave are too few, and they wish to take this opportunity to viciously extort a sum from us?"