Be Proud of Today's Choice

"Of course, I won't force you guys to stay by his side. If you yourselves aren't willing, you can leave right now."

Finished talking, Qi Hai pulled out a flask of wine calmly and went to the stone table by the side to start pouring himself a cup to drink on his own.

This was the Immortal Remembrance Jade Brew that Ye Yuan gave him. This time, he specially brought it along with him.

He knew that these four people would definitely be very conflicted and surely would not have an answer for a short while.

Forget about Liu Hong; the other three people were all the top proud children of heaven of a world, gathering millions of gazes on them.

Even if they admired Ye Yuan very much right now, it also did not represent that they were willing to be Ye Yuan's underlings, listening to Ye Yuan's assignment for every matter.