Advancing a Step, Endless Blue Skies

"Ninth level! Ye Yuan he entered the ninth level! He . . . He surpassed Li Fantian, becoming the number one person in these ten thousand years!"

Seeing Ye Yuan's name appear at the ninth level on the light screen, Guo Taoqun suddenly exclaimed.

Ever since they knew that Ye Yuan entered the eighth level, these few people were no longer in the mood to be in closed-seclusion.

Especially when Ye Yuan actually stayed for ten days at the eighth level. This whetted their appetites even more.

Even Qi Hai raised his head to look at the light screen every now and then too, wanting to see if Ye Yuan entered the ninth level or not.

But Ye Yuan seemed to stagnate at the eighth level and did not have any activities all along.

Guo Taoqun they all simply talked it over; each one of them took turn to keep watch daily to see if Ye Yuan entered the ninth level or not.

All the way until today, Guo Taoqun finally saw Ye Yuan's name appear in the ninth level!