One Man Guarding the Pass!


After Chu Shi stabbed a Fierce Gale World martial artist in front of him, there was suddenly a stretch of brightness before his eyes.

Chu Shi knew that he finally charged out of the encirclement!

At this instant, his heart was filled with a vicissitude of emotion.

That instant when he was trapped in Crimsonlight City, he thought about the alliance sending a great army over to rescue, and also thought of being slaughtered by the Fierce Gale World.

But he did not even dare to think that he could rely on his own strength to carve out a bloody path.

But now, he really did it!

Recalling that brat who was cussed countless times by him in the open and in secret, thick gratitude was reverberating in his heart at this time.

But this was not over yet. He did not have that much time to go and be overwhelmed by emotions. That was the privilege of a victor.

And now, they were still very far away from victory.