Remolded Anew

On the third day, Han Feng and Zhang Tianyi could not persist any longer, withdrawing out of the Desolate Ancient Drip Essence Pool.

Right now, in the pool, there was only Ye Yuan alone left.

And the present Ye Yuan already walked to the fifth level region!

"Truly a terrifying fellow. He already walked to the fifth level, but he is completely indifferent!" Zhang Tianyi said with vicissitudes of emotion.

Regardless whether was it talent or strength, he lost completely to Ye Yuan.

Even if he was any prouder, facing Ye Yuan's terrifying talent, he had no choice but to lower his high head too.

The truth was placed right in front. It was not up to him to deny.

The five people saw that Ye Yuan still did not have the intention of withdrawing and could only consolidate the Desolate Ancient Drip Essence Pool's gains by the side and observe Ye Yuan's progress at the same time.