Matching Magic Powers!

"Your illusionary arts indeed have no flaws to exploit. But inside the illusion previously, you said to me 'with you around, you won't let people hurt me.' If it was the real Li-er, she wouldn't say so!" Ye Yuan said coolly.

The fake Li-er said with a smile, "Looks like it was me who made an unnecessary move."

Ye Yuan nodded and said, "This illusion, everything is so lifelike. But the greatest flaw is yourself. Because they are all illusionary, while you … are real!"

The fake Li-er sighed with admiration as she said, "Being hit with an illusionary art and actually still having such terrifying analytical abilities. You're indeed different from the rest! Even those two divine kings are much worse compared to you. It's just that even if you saw through the illusionary art, wanting to break free from inside the illusion can't be done too."