Essence, Energy, Spirit

"Fiend race?"

Ao Yong's brows furrowed slightly, clearly rather surprised by this term's sudden appearance.

Not just Ao Yong, it was also Ao Qian's first time hearing that the Bloodgod Temple actually had connections to the fiend race.

"Senior Long Teng, I wonder if my guess is right? If my conjecture is correct, then the master of that Bloodgod Temple should be the Heavenly Fiendgod whom you speak of, right?" Ye Yuan said.

Regarding Ye Yuan's intelligence, Long Teng had a taste of it long ago. He nodded his head at once and said, "That's right."

"What on earth are you all talking about? What fiend race?" Ao Qian could not resist asking.

Ye Yuan did not conceal it either, recounting the incident of 50 thousand years ago when the Heavenly Fiendgod was controlling the Bloodgod Temple from behind, planning to devour the entire Divine Realm.

When the few people heard such a secret, they were all shocked until they could not speak.