Enemies Meet on a Narrow Path

The interior of this great hall had its own space, loaded with a whole bunch of array formations, giving people a sense of dizziness.

"This … What place is this? How could there be such a complicated transmission array?" Meng Guang said in shock.

"The Moonhowl Sect is the fiend race's underground stronghold, in charge of collecting intelligence and transmitting information. The transmission array here was likely already reached the grade of 10 thousand. It looks like our luck is pretty good. This place should be a rather important stronghold for the fiend race."

Seeing this colossal and complex transmission array, Ye Yuan also felt very lucky.

With his strength, finding some useful information from inside these transmission arrays naturally could be done.

"Fiend … Fiend race?" Meng Guang was frightened by this term.