Dragonlady Ao Jun

Passing through a section of the dimly lit cave, Ye Yuan virtually used up all of his strength.

The more he walked toward the depths, the faster Ye Yuan's heart beat. The heavier the cold intent on his body as well.

Following that intense psychological hint, Ye Yuan walked to the end of the cave.

Before his eyes were a deep and serene pool, unable to see the bottom with a glance.

The cold air emitting from the pool made Ye Yuan's divine soul almost freeze.

That bone-piercing cold intent made Ye Yuan unable to refrain from shuddering.

Ye Yuan's gaze turned intent, and he blurted out, "This is … the aura of Eternity Frost!"

"That's right, it's precisely Eternity Frost! Looks like you completely inherited his mantle. Just based on this cold air, you pinpointed the Eternity Frost."

A chilly female voice sounded out. It was precisely the voice that Ye Yuan heard outside.