Heavy Casualties

"The fiend dogs came up! F*cking fellows!"

"Fight it out with them!"

The fiend race's numbers were too many. Even with powerful bow and arrows suppressing, the fiend race soldiers scaled up the city walls very quickly as well.

Following that was fighting in close quarters!

Once they could not defend this first wave, their line of defense would be utterly crushed.


A human soldier hacked at a fiend captain with a slash, shouting excitedly, "Why is this fiend dog so weak?"

"My side too!"

"So weak, one chop and it's done!"

"Hahaha, so weak! Chopping so satisfyingly!"


On the city wall came the human soldiers' excited shouting.

When Wang Yifeng saw those fiends rush up so quickly, just now, his expression changed drastically too.

But he did not expect that these fiends that climbed up were so weak.