Will Grant All Requests

Deyi Hall was the south city's largest medicinal hall. Wu Feng was the number one person here.

As the south city's number one medicinal hall, Deyi Hall naturally had unceasing traffic, their business very popular.

"What did you say?! Zhu Yongtian didn't die?"

Wu Feng looked at the manager opposite, shock filling his eyes.

The manager nodded and said, "Not only did he not die, but he's also already full of vitality and vigor! He was seen going to a branch hall this morning, talking in a jovial manner. It was like he wasn't seriously injured on the verge of death at all!"

Wu Feng's gaze turned intent and he shook his head and said, "Impossible! I personally diagnosed his pulse! His heart meridians were already fully severed, even immortals would be hard-pressed to save him. It's just three days' time, so how can he possibly be robust and lively already?"