You Miscalculated

Wu Feng sat in the hall, his smile seemingly radiant.

Huang Haoran and Hao Qian sat on the right-hand side, appearing very flustered.

Although Huang Qian was saved, this 50 million went down the drain for Wu Feng.

Most importantly, it was a major loss of face!

Huang Haoran understood Wu Feng very well. He cared about face too much.

Normally, it was still fine. But if someone threatened his title as the south city's number one alchemist, he definitely would not show leniency.

But this time, Ye Yuan's power face-smacking thoroughly made a name for himself.

But Huang Haoran did not expect that Wu Feng's mood today seemed to be pretty good still.

"Oh, Haoran, do you think that I'd blame you because of this matter?" Wu Feng said with a ghost of a smile.

Huang Haoran blushed with shame and said, "Master, I …"