Tired of Living

"Kid, you're still a little inexperienced to want to scare us! If you're sensible, hurry up and hand over the Origin Magnetic Divine Mountain. We'll make it painless for you."

Hao Liang's expression changed. Only four of them came, so where did this fifth person come from?

Did this boy make up a non-existence person, wanting to scare them, and then take the opportunity to escape?

Ye Yuan smiled and said, "Turns out that you're aiming for the Origin Magnetic Divine Mountain. Giving you the Origin Magnetic Divine Mountain, can you afford to enjoy it?"

Hao Liang snorted coldly and said, "That doesn't need you to worry about! Sure enough, want to scam us, is it? Heh heh, where's the fifth person from?"

Hao Liang surveyed the four directions and discovered that no one came out, and became even more certain of his own guess.

Ye Yuan was rather surprised too. He even thought that these five people were together, looks like he guessed wrong.